“Missiva del fin del mundo”, Process of Error at ULTRAcinema 2018, Mexico
As part of a programming collaboration implemented during this year, between the Festival Error Process (Chile) and the ULTRAcinema Festival, will be exhibited in Xalapa, Mexico (Pulquería La Otra, Venustiano Carranza 184) on November 22 at 9:00 p.m., the program “Misivas del fin del mundo”, whose curatorial text is:
The multifaceted Andrés Caicedo said: "The letter is the perfect conversation, having all the time in the world to say, because the other person listens without saying anything, then, they have all the time in the world to hear what they say (...)". This program brings together some pieces of what could be called visual letters or video-letters (although formally perhaps they are messages in a bottle, ready to be caught by any attentive passer-by). The intention is clear, the author seeks to communicate something to someone, and then the words fall short, limp, mutate. That is why, despite the fact that they always mention another, in truth what the author does is “externalize the humor of his soul and, at the same time, internalize the rumor of the world (…)”, as the essayist Martín Cerda pointed out.
The works to be exhibited are:
– Dear Nonna: a film letter / Dir. Tiziana Panizza / (Chile, 2005) 15 min
When I was a child, my Italian grandmother used to read aloud the letters she received in Chile from her relatives back home. My grandmother still lives, but she lives in a dimension where there is only room for her. This is a letter, from London to Latin America, in a last attempt to recover an old family rite.
– Sender, a visual letter / Dir. Tiziana Panizza / (Chile, 2008) 22 min
“When I was a child and I had to make a wish, it was always the same: to meet the other part of my family who lived in Italy. Imitating my nonna, an Italian immigrant in Chile, I wrote dozens of letters to these people I did not know.” SENDER is a letter addressed to my family in Italy, an attempt to recover an ancient family rite, from a Santiago in summer, where the feet stick to the pavement, where the over-exposure of light resembles confusion and oblivion .
– Letter to Matthew / Dir. Colectivo Miope / (Chile, 2016) 8 min
Mateo Yuras (1941-2008), a Castilian teacher from Antofagasta -based in Ovalle- passionate about theater, premiered his very personal film "Sin-con-sentidos" in 2002. The tape, made domestically, was a tribute-message to his wife, who died in 1987, but also a scattered and unclassifiable autobiographical collage. In 2011 a VHS copy of the material appeared and now Mateo must find out something.
– Letter to Boris / Dir. Pablo Molina Guerrero / (Chile, 2015) 8 min
Writing late is becoming a habit, we are always late. Boris was my other self or I was his other self. Now that he is gone, I can be honest.
– Letter to Nicole / Dir. Pablo Molina Guerrero / (Chile, 2017) 4 min
Words are not enough in some cases.