Festival Proceso de Error arrives in Punta Arenas with samples and experimental video workshops


After making the sixth version of Proceso de Error, International Experimental Video Festival in Valparaíso, part of the official video sample moves to Punta Arenas, which will be presented to the public on Wednesday, October 30 at 7:00 p.m. In addition, free workshops will be held for those who want to learn and experiment with video dance and film.
Process of Error seeks to expand experimental video and film hybrids. To share the festival program, an official sample will be presented at the La Idea Community Space (Mejicana 252, Punta Arenas.). The activity is free and open to all public.

In addition to the sample, the workshop "Free Languages of Cinema" will be held, a module scheduled for Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 to 6 p.m., through which a timeline is proposed regarding some authors of hybrid contemporary cinematography. References will be exhibited, theoreticians will be cited, and a brief exercise of creating a video with a forced foot in the essayistic self-portrait will be proposed.

Both the workshop-assembly and the exhibition will be guided by Daniela Lillo, a filmmaker from the University of Valparaíso and a performance art artist. She is currently doing a Master in Creative Documentary, Experimental Cinema and Video Creation at the TAI Study Center in Madrid, Spain. Her works of performance, video experimentation and photography have been presented in various exhibitions, festivals, biennials and galleries in Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, England, Greece, Italy, Spain, among others. Her works address gender issues, reconnection with ancestry, abolition of self-sabotage in thought-action and the dislocation of the concepts of binarism for body-territory.

To register, you must write to the Error Process Facebook event or to the email inveplataforma@gmail.com. All activities are organized by INVE, Platform for the Arts and La Idea Espacio Comunitario.

About the exhibition “There are no innocent images”:

Partial detonation (Andrea González G., 2017)
Strange Animal (Arthur B. Senra, 2019)
Field of Infinity (Guli Silberstein, 2018)
Projections of a Beautiful Creature (Estefanny Ríos, 2017)
Here they come! (Ezekiel Reyes, 2018)
Curatorial text:
Every image is political. All sound is political. All action is political and of course, all inaction. Bombarded by images every day, they anesthetize us, condition us, normalize us. An image is not beautiful because it is, it is a cultural conditioning. There is violence in the images regardless of whether it is explicit or implicit. We need new ways of looking. See with other eyes. To see again. This exhibition is presented as a dissident look at the normative in politics. There are codes and common places that these works skip, reappropriate, parody. Seeing is never a passive act, it should never be. You have to generate criticism, thought, ideas. It is true, the classic counter-political registers must exist and must circulate, but there is also and must be space for those who think in a different way from the informative, who work tangentially, bordering the issue, bordering the problem and instead of providing answers, raise more questions. Plant a seed in the mind and wait for it to germinate, there are no innocent images.