As part of a collaboration between the Festival Error Process (Chile) and the Vanguards Meeting from the University of Valparaíso, a selection of Chilean experimental works will be exhibited under the title “Others' Materials”, whose curatorial text is:
“Cinema has accumulated enough images for new authors to try to give them new breath. If an image is worth a thousand words, then an image is interpretable, especially when whoever looks at it can deduce one meaning and whoever is next to him can deduce a completely different one. Found or searched footage cinema is a cinema capable of giving new life to certain images already seen, playing with the idea of déjà vu and situationist drift. This selection of Chilean works seeks that, whether with images from the history of cinema or scientific images, which, being so common and anonymous, become everyday and standardized. To look well you have to know how to look twice.”
The works to be exhibited are:
The evil eye
María Paula Díaz / Chile / 2018 / 11 min.
Synopsis: The story takes place in the psyche of the protagonist. Paula is haunted by certain scenes from her past. These memories of her make her move away from the everyday world and dwell in her memory. Her fixation has her permanently immersed in mental images of her and movie scenes.
Romina Forno Fargo / Chile / 2018 / 3 min.
Synopsis: Visual exploration of found footage that observes the limits of the human body when subjected to the demanding imaging clinical gaze. Already stripped of all identity, these pieces of bodies become only matter, isolated in the void of absolute black.
Natural forces
Pablo Molina Guerrero / Chile / 2015 / 8 min.
Synopsis: Audiovisual experiment that, through recycled images and montage, tries to visually construct the poem of the same name by Vicente Huidobro.
Elder Male Song Fragment
Roberto Oyarzún Susñar & Cristián Tàpies / Chile-Argentina / 2016 / 10 min
Synopsis: An experimental video inspired by the homonymous poem by Chilean poet Pablo de Rokha. The work postulates the synchrony between the vitality of the individual memory of a speaker in its various versions, and the time of the praxis of a sustained poetic project in a political-economic context that modifies the production of words and speeches.
The exhibition will be on Thursday, May 30 at 7:25 p.m. in the Rubén Darío Hall, Errázuriz 1108, Valparaíso.